
Updated 12/22/18

Here you'll find a list of known birthdays and anniversaries of family and
extended family members. If you would like us to add one to the list,
please email us at

January July

3rd - Kristi A
14th - Kimberly Ann G
15th - Mark W
17th - Woody W
22nd - Mimi S
24th - Art & Linda G
29th - Ruth Ann N


4th - Brayden Joel G
10th - Roxanne A
13th - Carol I
18th - Cherie U
25th - Donna N (Jessica B)
26th - Adria G
27th - Kelly C
February August
1st - Deanna C
17th - Windi C
18th - Carol G


2nd - Tresean O
7th - Garrett G
9th - Kari H., Andy C
11th - John S
16th - Richard S
18th - Neil U, Jr.
25th - Laurel U.
26th - Lindy W
28th - Anniversary
29th - David N, Skip A
March September

2nd - Angela W
6th - Neil U Sr.
13th - Dylan F, Paul N
15th - Brian G
21st - Tom B

12th - Jad H, Louise V
13th - Bob C, Dave K
19th - Diane N
22nd - Doris B
24th - Robin S
April October
6th - Kristine U
11th - John G
13th - Art G
16th - Susie Lane P
23rd - Dorothy W
24th - Don C
30th - Lori I
4th - Tim B
7th - Carolyn S
12th - Patti T
13th - George B III
19th - Mara S, Gus N
24th - John G, Sr.
26th - Cord C
31st - Patricia G
May November

3rd - Shelby S
20th - Alisa S


10th - Kevin John G
11th - Kevin & Kim G's Anniversary
16th - Karen G

19th - Joy J


June December
1st - Suzy B
2nd - John G
3rd - Jack D
5th - Debbie H
7th - Murielle P
9th - Shannon S
24th - Patti B
11th - Ashton John G
17th - Gary W
22nd - Savannah S
23rd - Linda G
30th - Cheryl N