Backers: Want the inside scoop on the local NFL team? Ever
wanted to talk football strategy with Chargers coaches and players?
Get an autograph without having to fight the crowds at public events?
Join the Charger Backers and enjoy regular lunch and dinner meetings
during the season, and special events throughout the year.
Pennant Investment Club: As time flies by, we value
friendships more with each passing year. However, it's a challenge
to stay in touch with everyone's busy lives, much like trying to
grab the brass ring while whizzing by on a carousel. So we thought
up the PPIC as a way of getting us all together a few times each
year at Padres games. We're taking signups now, so visit the PPIC
page if you'd like to join us.
Toastmasters: Stellcom sponsors a Toastmasters
International club open to employees and non-employees alike. The
club meets every Tuesday from 12:00pm until 1:00pm. Our group is
dedicated to improving the communications skills of members in a
natural and supportive way. For more information, visit the Cornerstone
Toastmasters page.
Ski & Snowboard Club: Action
is a friendly, energetic, diverse social group of singles &
couples 21 and over in San Diego, offering year-round recreational
activities. We enjoy skiing and snowboarding, but also sponsor group
dinners, bike trips and rollerblading, cruises, dancing, and other
fun stuff. To find out more, visit the Action web site at http://www.actionski.org/ASCabout.htm.
Staefa Reunion:
Staefa Control System closed its doors in February 1997.
Many employees never got a chance to say goodbye to each other,
and have become like family after working for years together. Reunions
were held in August 2003 and September 1999 in San Diego, and additional
reunions are planned from time to time. Check out the Staefa
Reunion page for details ...
OGHS Reunion: Has
it really been thirty *%$!! YEARS?!! Reunions of the Orange Glen
High School Class of 1969 (the BEST year EVER!) were held September
10-11, 2004 and September 24-26, 1999. More to come! Check
out the OGHS
page for details ...