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June 26, 1999

Hi Again!

Thought you might enjoy viewing a few of pictures of the Skyshow tailgate on June 18th, courtesy of Chuck and Karen Gulotta. We had a BLAST, and the fireworks were AWESOME too! We had a great view from the parking lot! Can't wait for July 10th...In the meantime, click on each pic to see an enlargement.


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April 11, 1999

Hi Gang!

Baseball season is finally here! It took awhile to accumulate all the ticket orders, but like the true fans you are, you rallied in the "9th inning" to help pull off another winning tailgating season for all PPIC members! I received several ticket orders in this final week to round out the schedule for 1999, and purchased tickets on Friday, April 9th.

Both the Worksheet and Member Status forms have been updated.

The Worksheet contains final ticket price information along with seat locations. Fortunately great seats were still available for most of the games, mainly in the Loge section. If you decide later to attend a game with the group, or if you'd like to tell friends where we're sitting, just refer to the Worksheet for seat locations.

The Member Status form shows final game selections by members and game price info, along with the total amount due and payment status. I thought that including this information would be helpful for tracking; you'll know when I receive your check, and you'll know the date when tickets have been mailed to you.

So what's the skinny with the tickets?

* Unless we're neighbors or co-workers, tickets will be mailed to you and include a $2.00 charge to cover the cost of insurance. This protects us both in the event your tickets are lost in the mail.

* Tickets for the 6/18 and 7/10 games will be sent by the Padres to me near the end of May. Unless you have a game prior to 6/18, tickets will be mailed to you near the end of May. However, my VISA bill will come due before then so please send me your check as soon as possible, but no later than 5/10.

* Note that the 9/18 game will also host the Staefa Reunion. I will be purchasing tickets for this game near the end of May. If you would like to attend but have not yet selected this game, please see the Staefa Reunion page for details.

What I'm OBE (overcome by events) and have to unload my tickets?

Send me an email and let me know what you need. If you want to sell your tickets, please include the seat locations in your email. I'll be happy to forward your request to the rest of the PPIC gang.

Where will we be tailgating?

A new tailgating area has opened in the southwest corner of the stadium lot in sections J-5 through J-3. This area offers quick entry and exit, and can be accessed from both entrances at the northwest corner (see map). Let's try this area and see how we like it.

For the Skyshow on 6/18, we'll tailgate in the northeast corner near A-4. For those who may want to watch the fireworks from the comfort of their own cars, and get a jump on traffic.

Game/Location     Tailgate Time
5/22    J-4             5:00 pm         Sports Bag Night
6/05    J-4             5:00 pm         30th Anniversary Caps
6/18    A-4            3:00 pm         Skyshow
7/10    J-4             11:00 am       Beach Towels
7/31    J-4             5:00 pm         Replica Batting Practice Jersey Shirts
9/18    N-1/N-2     TBD               Staefa Reunion


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March 6, 1999

Hi, Padres Fans!

Well, first things first. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for being there when our ship came in in October. Last year's newletter published around this time stated that "Baseball and investing have a lot in common. Given enough time, the odds favor both the patient fan and investor." As anyone sitting in Qualcomm Stadium last year knows, it's a great feeling to back a winner like the 1998 Padres!

It was also tremendously satisfying to watch us so-called "laid back" Padres fans going berserk in Qualcomm Stadium during the World Series. Like a wheezing man taking a big hit of oxygen, San Diego sports fans came to life, energized by the lusty play of their baseball team. Our town hasn't felt this giddy since the Chargers went to the SuperBowl and the Padres went to The Show in 1984. My Gawd…two San Diego sports team championships in the same decade? Is there time for a third? With the Chargers at least a year away from serious contention, that leaves the Pads to carry the champion's torch into the 1999 season and beyond!

Like 1998, this year's meeting schedule offers an opportunity to relax, slow down, and catch up with each others’ lives at the leisurely pace afforded by Saturday and Sunday games. As a change-up, there are a few late-starting weeknight games against teams like the Mets and Reds that I found especially enticing. We’ll also have potluck tailgates starting 2 hours before all Saturday and Sunday games.

If you only attend a few games this year, remember that the KGB Sky Show on June 18th is still one of the hottest tickets of the summer. This year we'll also be joining forces with Action Ski Club 's for a special tailgating event before and after the game.

Ordering tickets is an easy three-step process. Use the menu on the left to go through the procedure step by step:

1.   Click on Worksheet to get a copy of the schedule and ticket prices. Print out a copy to share with your significant other when making decisions about which games to attend.

2.  When  you're ready to order, click on Order Form. I will receive an email with your selections and will send you an email the same evening to acknowledge receipt of your ticket order. I will post your selections on the web for other members to see, and you can see theirs.

3.  I'll send you another email the weekend of March 20th, one week prior to purchasing the group's tickets, so you can make any final changes to your order. Plan to send a check by March 26th to

8948 Stargaze Ave.
San Diego, CA 92129-3302

I'm planning to buy the tickets on Wednesday, March 31st. If you’d like me to return your tickets by insured return mail, please add $2.00.

Other Menu Options
Use the menu options on the left to navigate to other parts of this site.
To get in touch with other members of the Padres Pennant Investor Club, click on Member List.
To see which games other members have signed up for, click on Member Status.
To return to the main menu, click on Home.

See you at the ballpark!